The Blog

Finding the Similarity Sep 05, 2006

It would help us greatly if we decided to look at others for our similarities instead of for our differences. It is very natural to see someone of different color, or ideas, and focus only on the differences. In this show I discuss some examples of how we focus on the differences, and how things...

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The Human Condition - An Overview Mar 12, 2006

What is the human condition? Humanity seems quite insane. What is the root of that insanity?

Our core problem is the fact that we feel separate. We are ego, but we are not only ego. We need to evolve into the realization that we are much more than that.

There are two parts to that evolution.


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The World Is Your Body Mar 06, 2006

This is an advanced talk. Many people may find this content weird, but I'm serious when I say that the world is your body. We're trying to learn to look at the world differently. This is very literally a different way to look at the world. It's a shift in consciousness.

Normal subject/object...

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