The World Is Your Body
Mar 06, 2006This is an advanced talk. Many people may find this content weird, but I'm serious when I say that the world is your body. We're trying to learn to look at the world differently. This is very literally a different way to look at the world. It's a shift in consciousness.
Normal subject/object consciousness has ego and self boundaries involved with it. It's important that we don't look at these ideas from a place of self. We need to drop self to understand these ideas.
Subject and object aren't separate. The act of listening, seeing, tasting, hearing, feeling can't occur without both the subject and the object. That being the case, the actual act of sensation is the real content, and the parties involved are only ideas. The listening, as an example, *IS* the thing that's going on. When we learn to dive into experience on that level we widen our perception of ourselves, and the world. Our experience is further out than we thought. We start to realize that we are larger than we thought.
Another point to understand is that we become, literally, whatever we focus on. When we see a sunset, we are the sunset. When we think a thought, we are that thought. When we hear a car horn, we are the car horn. The reason most of us don't feel that way is because we are too busy bouncing from thought to experience to thought, etc. to realize any content deeply enough. This understanding is a new way of approaching things, but it allows for many freedoms.
What are the benefits of these ideas? An unchecked ego is the basis for all of our pain. This is another way, or facet, to understand dropping the ego. It's another way to describe a new way of being. This will allow us to be filled with what is: sunsets, car horns, stillness, joy.
The practice is to realize that you are not a separate thing. You are an integral part of the greater whole. You are necessary to the process of life. Everything you hear, taste, smell, see, and feel shows you a wider self. That horn down the street is you. That breeze is you. You are vast. Realize it. Imagine, as a side benefit, how respectful we'll be of the world once we realize it's us.
Lastly, realizing that your body is the world quickly allows us to relate to the idea of "oneness of being" that all great philosophies speak of. This understanding is a way to realize that oneness.
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