The Blog
What is nested duality? This talk begins to discuss the play of opposites. I talk about the importance of relating in new ways to good and bad. Ultimately this talk is trying to convey the error of nested duality which is when we make the non-dual experience something good.
As we look at good and b...
It makes sense that people who don't have much feel a sense of lack. It doesn't make as much sense that people who have tons of stuff, lots of money and means, also feel lack. One point of this talk is that the sense of external lack is driven by an internal lack. If we learn to get our joy from ins...
Non-dual experience can inform our morality. It was inspired by a magazine article that painted non-duality as morally irresponsible. Non-duality is not irresponsible. In fact, it can deeply inform our morality.
What is morality? Morality defines and distinguishes between right and wrong. Our own h...
The question of good vs. evil is one that has plagued philosophers and theologians for centuries, but it may be the simplest to answer.
If you are reading this blog post then you are probably aware of the innate duality found in life, which means there can never be only one side.
Consider the foll...