The Blog

Little Sprigs Podcast Interview with Christina Rochelle May 23, 2019

I got the incredible opportunity to talk with my good friend Christina Rochelle on her podcast, Little Sprigs, it just went live.

We discussed how the belief structures we have can be optimized. Why value based boundaries is a powerful parenting tool.

Plus, we did a deep dive on how to manage over...

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PK Experience Podcast Interview with Peter King Apr 29, 2019

Life is difficult sometimes. Especially when lots of hard things happen all at once.

Any single one of those challenges has the potential to leave you with "meanings" that could stop you in your tracks. Experiencing a ton at once will definitely hold you back.

If you're going through that right no...

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How to Create a Powerful Vision Apr 22, 2019


This episode of the Rob Scott Show will help you master the skill of visioning. You’ll discover why managing your expectations is crucial for avoiding disappointments.

Plus, how to overcome the feeling of “not enough” by simply creating powerful intentions and showing up for the outcomes.


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Building Resilience and Overcoming Disaster Apr 08, 2019


Life can often pull the rug right out from under us. When that happens we can either handle it with strength and maturity, or spiral into a cycle of victimhood, overwhelm and self sabotage.

On this episode of The Rob Scott Show, Sarah and Rob talk about how to dodge life's unexpected curvebal...

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The Power of Defining Your Values Apr 01, 2019


This episode is all about values. Rob and Sarah discuss how connecting with your values is a powerful move. Being clear on what matters will help you to be more productive and capable of taking action. They also discuss why values don’t have to be etched in stone. They can be flexible and ofte...

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Overcoming Procrastination and Perfectionism Mar 25, 2019


In this episode, Rob and Sarah discuss two big concepts: procrastination and perfectionism. You’ll learn how both of these originate, the different ways they overlap, and how to get past them.

We explore how procrastination may be trying to teach you something. Also, how your attention is cru...

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How To Improve Communication Mar 18, 2019


This episode of the Rob Scott Show is about becoming a better communicator. We explore how to improve both mindful speaking and active listening skills.

This episode touches on how mindful communication will help your relationships improve. Learning to share yourself, and being present when l...

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Use Gratitude to Be Happy Mar 04, 2019


This episode answers all your burning questions about how to be happier right now. Rob and Sarah do a deep dive on gratitude. They get specific on what gratitude is and how to have more of it in your life.

You’ll learn useful tips on how to recognize and embody the actual feeling of gratitude...

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Humans Greatest Misconception Feb 25, 2019

 This episode of the Rob Scott Show opens with a big question. What is the biggest misconception of humankind?

That question kicks off an interesting and candid discussion. We explore human attachment to belief. Plus, survival mechanisms, and how to gain the highest quality of mind.

You’ll lear...

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