How To Improve Communication
Mar 18, 2019
This episode of the Rob Scott Show is about becoming a better communicator. We explore how to improve both mindful speaking and active listening skills.
This episode touches on how mindful communication will help your relationships improve. Learning to share yourself, and being present when listening creates intimacy. With this skill, you will experience fewer misunderstandings, less conflict, and less isolation. And instead find more joy, connection and wellbeing.
The goal of our communication shouldn’t be “perfect communication." Instead we want to shoot for honest and authentic communication.
Other Topics Covered in this Episode:
- Dissecting Meaningful Communication
- Defining What Active Listening Is
- Qualities of a “Good” Listener
- How Mindfulness Can Help Communication
- Being More Present in Conversations
- Why Mindful Listening Can Create Connection
- Exploring How Healthy Communication Builds Intimacy
- The Technique of “Mirroring”
- Authentic Speaking and Radical Honesty
- All About Honesty and “Into-Me-See”
- How to “Receive” in our Listening
- Learning to Find the Wealth in Listening
- The Difference Between Prayer and Meditation
- A Shortcut to Finding Presence
- The Joy in Making Intimate Connections
- Honest and Authentic Speaking
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