The Blog

Personal Development Mastery with Agi Keramidas Jul 02, 2020

The great myth that many people fall for, is that we have to be victims to the realities of life.

But good news - We have much more control over our experience than we realize.Our thoughts and beliefs are often the driving factors for how we perceive reality and the events that happen in our liv...

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Intelligence for Your Life Podcast with Gib Gerard Jun 17, 2020

I enjoyed being interviewed by Gib Gerard on the Intelligence for Your Life Podcast. We had a deep discussion about the elements of profound transformation.

Listen to the full interview from the Intelligence for Your Life Podcast here.

We also discussed why willpower is important, but isn't alw...

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Change Your Story May 05, 2020

Do you have the tools to manage your own mindset?

In this episode, Sarah and Rob provide tools for you to enhance and enjoy your life, even in the face of a worldwide pandemic.

Right now, so many of us are being challenged by different obstacles. It's more important than ever to master your inn...

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Untapped with Natalie Sisson Apr 02, 2020

Have you identified a part of your life you want to change but you keep putting it off?

Do you know you need to make a fundamental shift in your mind to really transform your life?

I got to share my story and how I went from homeless to the top of my game in business and life by rewiring my brai...

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A personal story to share... Apr 01, 2020

Life is exhausting at times.

Especially when we’re dealing with a real global health threat.

Especially when we're dealing with other new things, like... social distancing, "safer at home" orders, homeschooling kids, working virtually, etc.

It’s all hard.

Knowing how to run our mind is importa...

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The Shortcut to Mastering Emotions Mar 16, 2020


A new episode of The Rob Scott Show just went live.

Sarah and I recorded this before COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic, but we feel it couldn’t be better timed…

We focus on how to deal with difficult and overwhelming emotions.

Obviously we all need to do certain things right now to stay ...

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Vroom Vroom Veer with Jeff Smith Mar 09, 2020

Hey, I recently got to be a guest on Vroom Vroom Veer Podcast with Jeff Smith and I wanted to share it with you.

The episode just went live. If you want to listen to it, head here.

We had a lot of fun talking about evolving consciousness, shifting identities, and how we got to where we are today.

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Developing a Healthy Relationship with Technology Mar 09, 2020


Check out the latest episode of The Rob Scott Show. Rob and Sarah have a discussion about technology. They explore the purpose of technology, the impact it has on the world, and how to manage your personal relationship with it.

Technology was created to make things simpler, but it can also le...

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The Most Useful Skill in Personal Development Feb 17, 2020


The latest episode of the Rob Scott Show shares why reality isn’t always what it seems to be.

We discuss why we often have misconceptions around what’s “real,” and why so many of us are lost in our own delusions and fantasies.

Then I share the #1 skill you can master in personal development....

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