The Blog

Big Things From Little Changes or How to Have a True "Identity Shift" May 15, 2007

Why is it so hard to make big changes in our lives? We all seem to want things to be different than they are. We'd like to lose weight, make more money, be more organized, eat better. In this talk I point out a couple of ways to help bring lasting change.

One of the ideas many people hold is that w...

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Do You Have A Practice Apr 29, 2007

This talk is meant to suggest the importance of a regular meditation practice. The pull of the world, and the normal distractions and natural egoic self builders don't remind us that we need to see that there is more than thought. There is experience. We can exist without our minds running all the t...

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We May Need To Kill Faith Dec 21, 2006

How can we make faith make sense? So many of us are lost in rational minds. Rational minds that are right in the external sense of "right", but they lack the inner connection to being. Faith is something that often sounds too "religious". But faith may end up being important, but maybe we need to ch...

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Dive In or Drop It Dec 13, 2006

This post is inspired by the question: In meditation, do we dive into frustration when it arises or do we drop it? I use this question to do an overview of meditation, and then answer at the end.

Meditation is really about state management. We are trying to foster a better state of mind. To do that...

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Learn To Surrender Dec 07, 2006

Surrender means to give oneself over to something. The type of surrender I'm discussing in this talk is not a sign of weakness, in fact, it might be the greatest sign of strength. The ego doesn't usually like to hear about giving in or surrendering, but one of the greatest teachings we can learn is ...

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Connecting to the Vine Nov 01, 2006

How do we remember what to do when we feel lost in our daily lives? Metaphor can be a great teaching tool to anchor ideas into our reality. "Connecting to the vine" is a great way to describe connection to oneness.

What happens when a leaf gets cut away from a vine? It tends to wither and die. This...

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Bring It Back To The Breath Aug 22, 2006

 Today I spend a few moments fostering presence with you. I open with a couple of conscious breaths, then onto examples of, and reasons for, bringing your focus back to your breath. I end mentioning that in regard to any learning, we deeply need to apply what we learn. Learning alone isn't enough. W...

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Dealing with Death - Ours and Others Jul 24, 2006

We lose loved ones all the time. We hope for an afterlife. The self wants to grow and be powerful and young. It is completely opposed to it's own extinction. So there is fear and panic around the thought of death for many. In fact, many people can't even discuss it. But all living things seem to pas...

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The Ending of Problems Dec 19, 2005

We all have problems in our lives. But what happens when they are gone?  When you stop looking for answers to your life's questions, the only thing left is peace.

The ending of problems not only means freedom but also an opportunity for us to take control over our lives again so that we can shape w...

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