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The Ending of Problems

Dec 19, 2005

We all have problems in our lives. But what happens when they are gone?  When you stop looking for answers to your life's questions, the only thing left is peace.

The ending of problems not only means freedom but also an opportunity for us to take control over our lives again so that we can shape who we want.

Our problems dissolve when we bring our attention and presence to them.

All problems are based in this one fact: We have become dissatisfied with our situation.

Once we are dissatisfied, we have two choices:

1) Try to bend the world to our will, or 2) surrender and accept the situation - bring presence to the situation.

Surrender is the same as bringing your attention back to the breath. It is very powerful, not weak.

Every time you are aware that you have a problem, bring your attention back to your breath.

By bringing your attention and presence to the situation, you will find that it is not as bad or difficult as you originally thought.

Surrendering is very powerful when done with awareness of breath because it keeps us present in reality rather than lost in thoughts about how much better everything could be if only certain circumstances were different. 

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