The Blog

Means to an End Nov 08, 2006

In this episode of the Fundamental Shift podcast we have a fist fight at a gun show. Two men, both deeply interested in safety, take very different stances on how to achieve that goal. One, having been mugged and beaten before feels as though having a gun will offer him safety. The other man, losing...

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Connecting to the Vine Nov 01, 2006

How do we remember what to do when we feel lost in our daily lives? Metaphor can be a great teaching tool to anchor ideas into our reality. "Connecting to the vine" is a great way to describe connection to oneness.

What happens when a leaf gets cut away from a vine? It tends to wither and die. This...

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Shining Light On the Shadow Oct 25, 2006

Part of evolving as a human being, and part of the teaching that I'm trying to promote, is about bringing awareness to all the aspects of our lives. One of the big accomplishments in psychology has been identifying and naming what's been called the shadow. To understand the shadow we'll try to descr...

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Turning Subject Into Object Oct 18, 2006

Turning subject into object is both a concept and a practice. In this talk I discuss the difference between inner and outer experience and how that relates to subjective and objective experience. We need to define perspective - subjective experience is what I identify as "me". Objects exist within m...

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A New Kind of Judgement Oct 10, 2006

There are two types of judgement or choice, and it is a mistake to make either of them bad. In this talk I will describe the two kinds of choice, introducing a new kind of judgement.

Many people in the spiritual community condemn judgement. They've had experiences where they saw the freedom in not ...

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Honoring Imbalance Oct 02, 2006

In this post I discuss honoring imbalance. Many people (including myself) critique the world and describe the need for "balance" (listen to my last show, I use that very term). This talk discusses three ideas:

The first idea is that everything is in a state of achieving balance. Every action has an...

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Getting to the Beauty Sep 25, 2006

This post is really an exercise looking at the split between internal/external, and thinking/experiencing. I discuss the words below and ask you to identify with each word as I do.

thinking experiencing
form feeling
outer inner
external internal
different similar
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This Path is Not Easy Sep 18, 2006

Everyone listening to a podcast like this is trying to better themselves. I want to commend all of you for trying to do that. This work is difficult, and not enough teachers say that's the case. Many sell this path as an easy fix for people. It can often be very difficult. Meditation is hard. Being ...

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The Pleasure Pain Treadmill Sep 12, 2006

Basic ideas:

  • Seeing that good and bad, or pleasure and pain are in all things.
  • We can use pain to promote change.
  • Ultimately, we can get off the treadmill of pain and pleasure.

Our desire to avoid pain and experience pleasure tends to push us around if we are not paying attention. When we us...

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