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Honoring Imbalance

Oct 02, 2006

In this post I discuss honoring imbalance. Many people (including myself) critique the world and describe the need for "balance" (listen to my last show, I use that very term). This talk discusses three ideas:

The first idea is that everything is in a state of achieving balance. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As we push something over, we watch it achieve a new balance. The action involved is the "balance through movement" also known as imbalance.

The next idea is that we prefer an ideal state of balance, but that's just not realistic. The entire world is in motion. Constantly balancing itself through imbalance. The beauty is in honoring the imbalance. We have the capability to stay still through that motion.

And lastly, on the level of betterment, imbalance brings growth. When we're stressed and feeling the pressure, we can be comforted understanding that we are growing.



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