The Blog
This post is really an exercise looking at the split between internal/external, and thinking/experiencing. I discuss the words below and ask you to identify with each word as I do.
thinking | experiencing |
form | feeling |
outer | inner |
external | internal |
different | similar |
motion | ... |
Everyone listening to a podcast like this is trying to better themselves. I want to commend all of you for trying to do that. This work is difficult, and not enough teachers say that's the case. Many sell this path as an easy fix for people. It can often be very difficult. Meditation is hard....
It would help us greatly if we decided to look at others for our similarities instead of for our differences. It is very natural to see someone of different color, or ideas, and focus only on the differences. In this show I discuss some examples of how we focus on the differences, and how things...
Today I want to discuss evolution. There are many ways to think about evolving:
- Individual evolution, societal evolution, human evolution
- Evolutions like Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien, etc.
- Agricultural age, to Industrial Age, to Information age
- An individual growing through identification with...
There are reasons why we seem to be stuck in time, and what an enlightened mind might look like instead.
If we have the fundamental understanding that there is only this moment; meaning we cannot leave it to go elsewhere, or more specifically that time is a construct of thought, we can start to...
To find a state of stillness, and remain productive in the world might e our biggest challenge. How do we accomplish, while remaining present.
Why are most of us unable to hold on to stillness? Many of us can find stillness, but why isn't it easier to just stay there? This talk assumes that you...
We lose loved ones all the time. We hope for an afterlife. The self wants to grow and be powerful and young. It is completely opposed to it's own extinction. So there is fear and panic around the thought of death for many. In fact, many people can't even discuss it. But all living things seem to...
We're going to discuss what addiction is, and then talk about how we can come to terms with it and what can we do to stop it. To do this, I'll talk about addiction, in broad terms. Then we'll do a quick exercise that might help you find what your addictions are. This could be...
If we want to evolve it would be good to learn that everything is sacred. Using certain objects to wake up is useful, but we need to watch how attached to those objects, places, etc. we become.
What good comes from making things sacred? It is normal to notice certain things as more orderly or...