Why We Can’t Hold On To Stillness
Aug 01, 2006To find a state of stillness, and remain productive in the world might e our biggest challenge. How do we accomplish, while remaining present.
Why are most of us unable to hold on to stillness? Many of us can find stillness, but why isn't it easier to just stay there? This talk assumes that you know what I mean when I say stillness. Some call it big mind, or a state of presence.
I did a post before called Stillness in Motion. While this talk is similar, it will differ in the level we're talking about. Stillness in motion was a talk about the feeling of holding stillness while we do things.
I've heard Ken Wilber say things like you can't be in a non-dual state and in a state of duality at the same time. I'd be interested to speak with him about that because I have a deep sense of being still, or in a non-dual state while still seeing and being aware of, and able to function in the world full of duality.
We definitely still have the desire to accomplish and do things. We may drop the attachment to that desire, but we still discern.
At the base of our being is a function of judgement. This judgement leads to most of our discomfort. It puts us on the treadmill of time. Judgement says this situation isn't as I would like it to be, so let's change it. It leads to inner becoming. I'm not enough, etc.
Many spiritual teachings seem to imply that this is a bad thing. But it's important that we don't vilify this idea. We need this function to survive. It's the same impulse that tells us we're in danger. It also allows for us to better the world.
We don't lose the ability to judge when we're still. I usually begin to describe this judgement as "discerning" to show that there is a difference. It isn't a lost, deeply judging, place that we come from, but we can tell what our preference would be. We do chose to walk, and eat, and talk, etc.
Many stereotypical representations of meditation imply that the meditator is unable to discern when in a deep meditative state. That's just not accurate. I mentioned before the Burning Monk, who had gasoline (or some flammable liquid) poured over him and lit. Then there was a picture taken of him not moving. While his experience of that might have been different than yours or mine, he still was aware that he was burning. The amazing thing is not some otherworldly state of mind he found, but rather the choice to stay. The discipline to stay.
The trick is going to be to learn to remain still while we judge and think. Can we remain aware while we judge? We need to learn to watch our judgements. The subtle distinction is this: A frustrated meditator learns about a pleasurable state of mind and then catches themselves thinking and discredits all the stillness they achieved. Whereas, a centered meditator finds himself or herself in a thinking state and watches it, thereby remaining centered.
In this world, we have things to accomplish. There is work to be done. In every moment we look at the world and have opinions about how it could be better, things we need, things we want to have, or do, or give. None of that is wrong. It's really important that we allow for that. There is such a thing as growth. There is betterment.
So is stillness in conflict with betterment? Doesn't stillness imply that we're done? While it is an appreciative state, we can be aware of movement, and the need for change while holding on to stillness. Stillness is a state of awareness. One that is realized and awake to the truth of a situation. If there is betterment to be done, do it, but try to remain aware.
Our innate ability and need to create and judge is what's impairing our ability to remain still. And that's a wonderful thing. The work we're here to do is to marry the two. We're here to blend the duality. We can engage in both experiences, and do our best to remain aware of where we are and what we're doing.
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