Here is a 3 minute practice that can change your life forever…
There are many different ways, or “tracks” to foster more happiness. One of the most effective ways to be happier is to manifest the state of gratitude.
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In this episode, Rob explains the biggest fundamental error in the human condition. Rob and Sarah delve into the topic of truth. We discuss if there are trustable truths, or if your reality is actually a delusion. We talk about how...
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Rob helps you get “unstuck.” He explains the universal key to being more confident, productive, and fulfilled. We’re going to share with you more about beliefs, as well as introducing “opinion” and...
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This episode does a deeper dive into optimizing our own cognition. We explore how our beliefs can cause procrastination, self-sabotage, and other limiting behavior. Plus, Rob shares a simple 10 second test you can do to see if you...
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Our first episode addresses thinking and thought creation. Rob and Sarah dive into how “being lost in thought” doesn’t have to be your default setting in life. Rob defines the 4 different levels of consciousness,...
We are literally inventing our own reality with the stories we are telling ourselves.
I’m not talking about anything woo-woo or magical here. I’m simply talking about the thoughts that we have.
Our thoughts, when constantly recycled and replayed in our minds, become the ...
I want to talk quickly about how one core mistake we make leads to tons of sorrow for so many of us. I'm also going to suggest a super simple focus in life that immediately fixes the mistake and leads to sanity, joy, and deep fulfillment.
To understand the mistake we humans make, we...
Here’s your guided “Dissociation Technique” audio (made famous by Richard Bandler).
When you have 10 minutes or so, get comfortable and listen to the audio here:
(You may also download it here to keep.)
Note: It uses NLP and hypnotic language and imagery to help...
There are many different ways, or “tracks” to foster more happiness. One of the most effective ways to be happier is to manifest the state of gratitude.
I wanted to give you just a quick little tip on how to work mindfulness. If you’re trying to learn meditation or do anything with working with your mind, one great little way to do it is to do what I call the “Count to 10 Technique.” Now, lots of people talk about this, but I...
Breakthrough imposter syndrome, procrastination, perfectionism, and more all in one simple move