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4 Levels to “Hack” Your Mind to Eliminate Anxiety and Overwhelm Aug 24, 2018


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Our first episode addresses thinking and thought creation. Rob and Sarah dive into how “being lost in thought” doesn’t have to be your default setting in life. Rob defines the 4 different levels of consciousness, so you can learn how to ...

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States vs. Stages Jun 16, 2013

I want to talk quickly about how one core mistake we make leads to tons of sorrow for so many of us.  I'm also going to suggest a super simple focus in life that immediately fixes the mistake and leads to sanity, joy, and deep fulfillment.

To understand the mistake we humans make, we need to unders...

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The Secret Formula That Makes You Procrastinate Sep 18, 2008

Many people who procrastinate have tons and tons of potential. Are you one of those people? Do you know that you could do so much more if you only found a way to apply yourself?

Do you ever start things, and sometimes even get a lot done, only to drop the project to start something else? Does your ...

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Goals That Make Us Happy Nov 30, 2006

This show references an article in American Psychologist titled "Mental Balance and Well-Being - Building Bridges Between Buddhism and Western Psychology".

The idea of this talk is that goals, in and of themselves, are not bad things; but that choosing goals wisely is very important. When a sense o...

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