The Blog
In this Mastering Mindset video, Jeff and I talk about a radically different way to develop powerful habits and behaviors.
Breaking bad habits is often incredibly difficult, but that's usually because most people never take the crucial first step to starting a new behavior. In order to guarantee lo...
STOP Negative Thinking!
In this talk, I finally got to tackle a topic that just may be the single most important factor to living a successful and happy life.
Any time I take on a new client, I immediately assess their "level of negativity."
Because it's impossible to be happy when your ...
How do you feel about your life? Generally speaking, are you happy?
I hope you truthfully answer yes, but it's okay if you don't.
Sadly, most of my clients initially answer that question with a big fat "NO!"
The interesting thing is that most of my clients are actually really together. They ...
So, Jeff decided it was time I publicly tell my crazy life story. (Mom, he made me do it!)
*WARNING* The content isn't exactly PG rated:
I share some pretty crazy stuff, from experiencing years of really bad child abuse, to massive addiction and homelessness, to hustling pool, to dealing drugs ...
In this Mindset Series hangout Rob Scott and Jeff Yancey focus on the importance of group mindset.
Quick Notes:
0:55 - Why is mindset shift important?
3:20 - Limiting narratives
6:00 - Leaving society
7:00 - How big is our identity?
8:15 - Identity of Nationalism
9:09 - If Aliens landed on earth…
In this Mastering Mindset hangout, Rob and Jeff discuss how much we're actually trying to get to "the familiar," and not just trying to feel more pleasure (which is what everyone usually thinks is our core motivator).
This concept is new, and completely crucial to understand why you do things you r...
In this part of the Mastering Mindset Series we uncover the secret of the subconscious mind. And expose how it is WAY more powerful than you probably thought.
Without understanding how much it's running (and ruling) in our lives, we will always feel stuck. Here I show how to alter it so it can b...
Have you ever wondered why some people actually achieve their dreams while others just talk about them?
Watch this video to learn where limiting beliefs come from, and how to change them to guarantee your success.
And get in the conversation. What limits do you see in your life? Any questions...
In this Hangout, I share what exactly "mindset" is, and why it's incredibly important to our success.
Quick Notes:
2:30 - If you don't master your mindset, nothing matters.
3:30 - What exactly is "mindset?"
4:13 - The ability to see that we have a certain mindset.
5:18 - The WRONG mindset about we...