The Blog

Introduction to Transparency Dec 29, 2006

When something is transparent it is able to be seen through. In this post I make an effort to show the link between transparency and awareness, making the assumption that awareness is healthy.

Transparency is an idea that can be applied to any system to allow that system to behave healthily and nat...

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We May Need To Kill Faith Dec 21, 2006

How can we make faith make sense? So many of us are lost in rational minds. Rational minds that are right in the external sense of "right", but they lack the inner connection to being. Faith is something that often sounds too "religious". But faith may end up being important, but maybe we need to ch...

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Dive In or Drop It Dec 13, 2006

This post is inspired by the question: In meditation, do we dive into frustration when it arises or do we drop it? I use this question to do an overview of meditation, and then answer at the end.

Meditation is really about state management. We are trying to foster a better state of mind. To do that...

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Learn To Surrender Dec 07, 2006

Surrender means to give oneself over to something. The type of surrender I'm discussing in this talk is not a sign of weakness, in fact, it might be the greatest sign of strength. The ego doesn't usually like to hear about giving in or surrendering, but one of the greatest teachings we can learn is ...

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Goals That Make Us Happy Nov 30, 2006

This show references an article in American Psychologist titled "Mental Balance and Well-Being - Building Bridges Between Buddhism and Western Psychology".

The idea of this talk is that goals, in and of themselves, are not bad things; but that choosing goals wisely is very important. When a sense o...

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Realizing We Have Enough Nov 22, 2006

It makes sense that people who don't have much feel a sense of lack. It doesn't make as much sense that people who have tons of stuff, lots of money and means, also feel lack. One point of this talk is that the sense of external lack is driven by an internal lack. If we learn to get our joy from ins...

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Informed Morality Nov 18, 2006

Non-dual experience can inform our morality. It was inspired by a magazine article that painted non-duality as morally irresponsible. Non-duality is not irresponsible. In fact, it can deeply inform our morality.

What is morality? Morality defines and distinguishes between right and wrong. Our own h...

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Means to an End Nov 08, 2006

In this episode of the Fundamental Shift podcast we have a fist fight at a gun show. Two men, both deeply interested in safety, take very different stances on how to achieve that goal. One, having been mugged and beaten before feels as though having a gun will offer him safety. The other man, losing...

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Connecting to the Vine Nov 01, 2006

How do we remember what to do when we feel lost in our daily lives? Metaphor can be a great teaching tool to anchor ideas into our reality. "Connecting to the vine" is a great way to describe connection to oneness.

What happens when a leaf gets cut away from a vine? It tends to wither and die. This...

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