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Why You Procrastinate (Hint: It’s Not About Time Management)

Oct 03, 2024

We’ve all experienced procrastination at some point. You have a list of tasks, deadlines looming, but for some reason, you can’t get started.

On the surface, it feels like a time management problem. You think you just need to get more organized. But the truth is, procrastination often runs deeper than that. It’s tied to things like perfectionism and self-worth.

Take a moment and think about this: How many times have you delayed starting something important because you wanted to “get it just right”? Or how often have you felt overwhelmed by a project, fearing it wouldn’t meet expectations, so you didn’t start at all?

Let’s break this down further...

One of the biggest reasons people procrastinate is the fear of not being perfect.

Picture this: You have a big presentation due, but instead of diving into it, you find yourself cleaning your desk or scrolling on your phone. You might tell yourself, “I’ll start when I feel ready,” but underneath, it’s the fear of not delivering a perfect presentation that’s holding you back.

Another example could be something as simple as sending an email. You write the draft, but hesitate to hit “send.” Why? Because you’re afraid it won’t be worded perfectly or the response might not be what you expect. So, you wait, convincing yourself you need more time to polish it.

In both of these cases, it’s not about needing more time. It’s about a fear of failure of not being seen as good enough. This is where perfectionism and self-worth come into play, driving your procrastination. No time management tool will fix this because it’s an internal issue, not an external one.

So, how do you overcome this? The answer lies in shifting your mindset.

The goal isn’t to be perfect. It’s about embracing progress and recognizing that action is more important than perfection. This is where Identity Shifting comes in.

Let’s use another example: Imagine you’re someone who always feels like they need to do everything perfectly at work. You’re constantly second-guessing yourself, which leads to you delaying important tasks.

Now, think about shifting your identity, seeing yourself as someone who values progress over perfection. Instead of worrying about getting it all right, you start focusing on getting things done, knowing you can improve over time.

This shift in how you view yourself can be life-changing. You begin to recognize that your self-worth isn’t tied to achieving perfect results. Instead, it’s about showing up and taking action. This shift, at the core, is what frees you from the cycle of procrastination.

Imagine what life would feel like if you weren’t paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes. Picture waking up in the morning, look at your to-do list, and instead of feeling overwhelmed or avoiding tasks, you start ticking things off with confidence. You don’t worry about every little detail being flawless because you know the value is in moving forward.

Here's another example. Let’s say you have a personal goal, like writing a book. Instead of delaying for months, waiting for the perfect idea or structure to come to you, you sit down and start writing, knowing the first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. You’re focused on progress, not perfection.

This is where Stillness in Motion comes into play. It’s the idea that you can be fully present and productive at the same time. You’re no longer battling with procrastination because you’ve learned how to stay grounded in the present, while still taking action. You’re able to balance productivity with peace, moving forward without the pressure of perfectionism holding you back.

The sense of relief and empowerment that comes with conquering procrastination at its root is transformative. You’ll not only be more productive but also feel a deeper sense of control over your life, both personally and professionally.

Are you ready to break free from the cycle of procrastination and finally start making progress? Learn more and take the first step here.



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