You'll Never Have REAL Success Without This
May 10, 2017I have a couple quick questions for you...
Do you continuously chase one goal right after the next? Are you waiting for things to be good “some day?”
I’ve got a little secret for you. There is no “some day." There's no such thing.
It’s always NOW.
Imagine an ultra-billionaire CEO. His business is thriving and he’s swimming in money. But what does the rest of his life look like? How would you imagine his relationships are with his family? How is his health? Does he manage stress well? Does he have passion and purpose in his life?
If he's got these other areas under control, that's amazing. But if he doesn't, it might be the saddest story ever told.
Because he may have more money than he can spend, but if he's miserable I would say he's failing. He may be financially successful, but I wouldn't call that REAL success.
There’s two things going on to have real success: We want to master both “being and doing.”
“Doing” is mastering the science of success. It’s incredibly important but without also learning the art of fulfillment (or “being”) we’re never going to arrive at real satisfaction. We’re always going to be stuck on the "treadmill of time."
Being present and happy is like a groove in the brain that atrophies if we don't use it. And while many of us chase financial success we let the ability to feel joy and happiness start to disappear. And then when we do find financial success, we find we're unable to feel happy because we never grooved that ability into the pathways of our brain.
If you aren’t making a point to be happy while you are pursuing your goals, you will find it harder and harder to ever be happy. Happiness and fulfillment don’t exist somewhere out there in the future. They need to be arrived at in the now.
So if you don’t learn how to be present and fully arrived, then you'll miss the most important part of life. The actual joy. But if you get good at feeling joy in this moment, then you have a real shot at mastering both the art of fulfillment and the science of success.
And that's what REAL success looks like.
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