How to Untangle Dysfunction and Build Better Relationships
Mar 17, 2021
On this episode of The Rob Scott Show, Rob and Sarah continue talking about mental health. Listen to the second part of this episode to learn more about the spectrum of psychological health.
If codependency is lost in the "world" with little sense of self, narcissism is the opposite. It's being lost in "self" with little sense of the world. The key is to have balance.
Discover how you can improve relationships when you enter into the "we" space. Within this psychological space, it's important to hold boundaries and know your values.
This discussion will help you have better relationships. Get tips on how to preserve the balance of self and world so you can be more healthily individuated and happy relating.
Other Topics Covered in this Episode:
- Codependency and the self-world model
- Narcissism and the self-world model
- Why balancing the model is key
- Untangling dysfunction when waking up to codependency
- The importance to holding boundaries
- Why knowing what you need is crucial
- Working towards healthy independence
- Healthy ways to connect with others
- Individuating from your relationships
- The power of objectifying the self-world model
- Exploring the “we” space and psychological agreement
- Navigating divorce and co-parenting
- The ability to shift your version of psychological self
- Changing your values can change yourself
- The power of identity shifting
- We can evolve your consciousness if you master identity
- Useful coaching and therapy
- Why society promotes codependency
- The meta structure for evolving your consciousness
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