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How Perfectionism Keeps You Stuck (And What to Do About It)

Oct 22, 2024

Meet Isaac. Throughout his career, Isaac had always been known as the go-getter. He thrived under pressure, took pride in his work, and consistently delivered results.

But recently, he found himself stuck.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to get projects started on time. He would blame his packed schedule, telling himself that he just needed more hours in the day. But deep down, Isaac knew there was more to it.

When we dug deeper, it became clear that Isaac’s issue wasn’t just poor time management, it was rooted in perfectionism. He was terrified that his work wouldn’t be good enough.

The fear of failure stopped him in his tracks, making it easier to avoid starting tasks altogether than risk falling short of his own high standards. His procrastination, which he chalked up to being “busy,” was actually driven by the need to be perfect.

This happens more often than we realize. What looks like poor time management or procrastination is often something deeper, perfectionism or low self-worth. When you’re scared that your work won’t measure up, it’s easier to delay than face the possibility of failure. You convince yourself that you need more time, a better plan, or the “right moment” to start, but the truth is, the fear of not being perfect is what’s keeping you stuck.

Perfectionism can feel like a safety net. It makes you believe that if you hold off until things are perfect, you’ll be successful. But in reality, it’s a trap. It keeps you from taking action, feeding your self-doubt and creating a cycle of avoidance.

The more you wait, the harder it becomes to start, and this pattern leads to a feeling of being paralyzed by your own expectations.

So how do you break free from perfectionism? Start by observing where your procrastination is coming from. Is it really because you’re too busy, or is there a deeper fear of not being perfect?

The next time you catch yourself delaying a task, ask yourself what’s really behind it. Are you worried it won’t be good enough? Recognizing these moments is the first step to breaking the cycle. From there, remind yourself that done is better than perfect.

You don’t need everything to be flawless to make progress. Progress happens when you take action, even if it’s messy at first.

By shifting your focus from perfection to progress, you’ll begin to build momentum. The more you move forward, the more confidence you’ll gain, and soon enough, you’ll realize that it’s not about being perfect, it’s about showing up and doing the work.

Want to dive deeper into overcoming perfectionism and procrastination? Our coaching program is designed to help you recognize and break through these deeper barriers.



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