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The Power of Story

Apr 19, 2017

Looking at today's news headlines, there appears to be a lot of uncertainty and anxiety in our world.

In many ways it seems like we are more divided than ever.

How did it get this way?

It relates to the concept of “story.”

Whether we are conscious of it or not, many of us are running a story called, "We are separate".

Are you running this story?

Check out this 2 minute clip to find out...

If you want to hear the full talk click here.

Where do you find yourself running the story of, "I'm separate".

What would happen if you started looking for the ways you are connected instead?

I think it would alter our reality and change the world awe live in.

What if you looked at the person walking past you on the street and searched for commonalities instead of automatically list your differences? What would that feel like for you? What do you think it might feel like for them?

What if you sought out ways to connect with people instead of distance yourself? How would that change your life?

If we all put more of our attention on connection I think there would be less war, less political tension, more unified causes, healthier relationships, etc.

The power of changing our “story” is really the key to changing our reality.

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